Welcome to our new english contents!

After the great amount of requests we decided, to create  this section of our page , so that´s easier for you, to get informations about us and our products. Within a short time we will offer you a lot of our german contents about constructed wetlands.

Construction manuals for constructed wetlands are  available now. You will find them in our online-shop, when we start the sale. The translation continues

The construction of our constructed wetlands is based on  the german DWA A 262, which is the main policy for all planners, constructors and administrations.


Saving water ist the most  important factor       of human life

... and it´s so easy to do:


Constructed wetlands

are the simplest way to clear water: a symbiosis of plants, gravels and microorganism clears your domestic wastewater without forein energy, only by  using the sun and natural processes.

Once built and in work, a constructed wetland is absolutely reliable without using the regulars technical solutions.

The technology of constructed wetlands is well known: as far back as 3000 years the Egyptians used plants for the wastewater treatment.

It doesn´t smell, it´s blowing, normally it works without forein energy, it can be self built.

More than 750 constructed wetlands have been built during the last 15 years with our system, most of them are self built by their owners.

confirmation to DWA A 262

Clemens Dwornitzak, Stand: Januar 2010


Die Wasserproben werden in unserem Auftrag von zwei externen, akreditierten Laboren untersucht

English contents about  constructed wetlands

Clemens Dwornitzak, Stand:  Frühjahr 2024

Schatzinsel Grabow, Rügen



Erfahren Sie hier mehr über das einzige CO2-neutrale Klärsystem auf dem Markt!  Nachhaltig, oft ohne Fremdenergie, Haltbarkeit > 30 Jahre und selbstbau- und kontrollierbar. Nur die Wartung ist extern